Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Getting Ready To Begin

I finished going through my novel, God Sleeps Tonight this afternoon. I have one more novel, Three Corners to do before I can begin on my latest work, tenatively named, Katrina: Prey For Us. At least that was my game plan. I am still working with Elizabeth Lucas-Taylor on Mother's Revenge . . . I am not naming all these novels as an attention-getter, merely telling it like it is. I have seven novels completed, some are ready to be published, some not . . . Bu published I mean POD. I have given up on ever snaring an agent who will fight for me, or that a prestegious New York Publisher will discover me. I have fought the fight for many, many years and all to no avail. So! POD it is. At least they will be out there.

I was going to do Three Corners before I started on my latest work, but I think not. I am not exactly happy at how the novel is written. This novel, or the germ of the idea that caused it to be written is over forty years old and was the catalyist that got me to thinking I wanted to write novels. I have written three versions of it and haven't liked any of them. I think the novel is too close to home, I don't know if I'll ever get it written . . .

As I said, this is the kick-off of Katrina: Prey For Us . . . I have a hell of an idea. We'll see if I can pull it off . . .

1 comment:

Dawn Wilson said...

One of the great things about your writing, Jerry, is that it's unique. You write in a way that makes the reader wanting more...and that's a good thing!