Monday, August 6, 2007

What I am about . . .

I write novels, short stories and poetry. I write some of these well, some not so well. I have seven completed novels to date. Three of these are published. Self-published, because I have grown weary of the hassle of submissions, rejections, submissions, rejections, and all that jazz . . .

As of now I am in the process of going through ALL of my novells and trying to tidy them up and make them better. I have three to go and then I will begin the new novel, Katrina Prey For Us. I have great, really great hopes for this novel and I am grateful that I did not start on it before its time. I am finding out that as I work on my other novels I am seeing things I want to do with Katrina Prey For Us that I might not have seen if I had did what I usually do when I want to begin a new projece . . . Dive right in, no matter how shallow the water is. That kind of knee-jerk treatment to my work has gotten me in a lot of trouble in the prededing years . . .

Okay. I had a little say here, will come back and say more . . .

1 comment:

Dawn Wilson said...

Sometimes that happens to us as writers. We work so hard at something, and seems like we get no where. Then we leave it alone for awhile...and ideas race at us!